Why gymnastics?

Here are our five key benefits of children starting in recreational gymnastics:

It helps develop foundation skills

Recreational gymnastics classes introduce children to a range of core skills, establishing the foundations for advanced skills as they progress further into sport.

Simple skills such as standing on one leg can help develop a child's balance, which they can transfer to advanced movements on bench or beam.

Even a movement such as a forward roll can help a child understand the kind of motion required to perform more advanced physical skills such as a somersault.

They'll pick up transferable skills

Taking part in recreational gymnastics helps develop skills which can be transferred to other sports and activities.

For example, using beanbags and hoops in gymnastics helps improve hand-eye coordination, which can help when they later take part in ball sports involving throwing and catching.

It's great for their health, fitness and wellbeing

Gymnastics is an excellent activity for fitness as it involves the movement of the whole body.  Children remain active throughout a gymnastics session, making it an ideal activity to release all their energy.

But as well as their physical health, gymnastics can also support children's mental health and wellbeing. Gymnastics is a sport that encourages children to be creative and to develop positive relationships with others.

It boosts confidence

As children begin to perfect new movements and develop more complex skills, our coaches enjoy seeing their confidence bloom.  Once they've completed a skill for the first time, we encourage them and motivate them to learn more and challenge themselves further.

It's a positive environment to learn in!

Finally, we believe one of the great benefits of recreational gymnastics is the positive and communal feeling amongst our gymnasts.

Busy Toes sessions offer more than just gymnastics classes. We are pleased to serve as social hubs for young children and their parents within a community.